Metamask authentication — How to connect crypto wallet with React app?
Have you ever wondered how to connect metamask crypto wallet with a simple react app?

Have you ever wondered how to connect metamask crypto wallet with a simple react app?
The solution is pretty simple, not a one liner, but simply few lines of code.
Follow my latest tutorial on YouTube to make it easy and quickly:
How to connect Metamask wallet in react app?
It is pretty simple, making easy interface for connecting includes the button which initialises the metamask extension in a browser. To get quick start, below is a linked for prepared simple, but smooth template.

In the branch template, there is presented example structure of a react application.
In branch setup, ready solution can be found.
Function for connection
Below you can find a piece of connectWallet function which is initialised by clicked button:
To use properly a metamask API, it is crucial to make an asynchronous function. It is achieved by a keyword async. The rest is a standard arrow function with an if statement and try catch statement within.
If statement checks if script is run in a browser, and if metamask extension is installed. It presents the line of code below:if (typeof window != "undefined" && typeof window.ethereum != "undefined") {
Then is implemented try catch statement, which obviously catches an error and displays it for the end user. What is more important, it uses a metamask api for requesting an authentication and assign it to the variable “accounts”.const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",
Then simple useState hook stores the first account in the walletAddress variable. It is just an example, that is why it was focused on the single wallet auth, not multiple, which is also possible.
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