How to become a web3 developer?
Web3 tech is in a huge demand of new developers, who can lift the industry and revolutionize future of decentralization.

Web3 tech is in a huge demand of new developers, who can lift the industry and revolutionize future of decentralization.
Every frontend developer has an excellent opportunity and luck, to easily transform skills into a web3 dev.
Every aspiring web3 developer should have a roadmap. There you can find the detailed version, really great resource, which I recommend:

Let’s go through details:
- basic blockchain knowledge:
It is a fundamental part which can prevent a lot of troubles in the future.
IMHO, there is no better way than deducing on your own how blockchain works and trying to code it in your beloved programming language.
I tried it with typescript:
Constructing own ecosystem can provide deep understanding of concepts like:
- consensus model,
- mining,
- block structure,
- hashes,
- differences between networks.
Another very important topic is a Smart Contract development. As a web3 dev, you will dedicate there a lot of time.
Get to know all fundamentals and asap deploy first contacts to testnet.
Learn basic syntax from crypto zombies:

☝️personally found it very helpful, it can teach you basics in a very accurate way which can be also funny.
📌 erc721 standard
📌 web3.js
📌 testing smart contracts
📌 dApps
📌 Oracle
And many more
Go through various tools for building decentralized services:
🔧 Hardhat
🔧 thirdweb
🔧 truffle
Learn how to use openZeppelin, create with that simple version of projects like:
- nft collection,
- DAO,
- DeFi,
- swap exchange.
Learn smart contract security:
- fuzz testing & analytics,
- use tools like — mythX, echidna.
Use wallet to deploy first smart contract to mainnet, you can use metamask and deploy smart contract to Polygon to make it cheap.
Master node as a service providers to handle on chain data:
- infura,
- moralis,
- alchemy.
Connect frontend skills with smart contracts/ on chain data, by using JavaScript frameworks like:
- ethers.js,
- web3.js.
Learn how to deploy files to IPFS, for supporting the decentralized storage and not have any vulnerable data in centralized institutions.
Here is my tutorial:
Learn how to make an interface to connect wallets to platform with:
- wallet connect,
- - metamask.
Below you can also see got to connect metamask to your react app:
Use git/GitHub to manage the version control.
Learn how to deploy dapp and how to handle the architecture…
Do you want the more specific roadmap? Below you can find the one I prepared before:
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